Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On the First Day of 3rd Grade...

"I can't wait to go back to school tomorrow, mom!", was what Andrew said when he got home today!
I am so excited for him for this school year. He couldn't stop talking about how "cool" Mr. Hicks is with his books, and games and the laptop he will be able to use. Each student will be able to use their own laptop this year in his class."He said that we will be allowed to have our own picture on our screen; and do you know what I want to put on there?" I thought he was going to say Poke'mon or something. But he said "A picture of me and you!" How thoughtful! So... it is off to the Pizza Parlor tonight for a mini celebration with a couple of his friends so he can talk about his day! I love you, Andrew! You fill my life with sunshine!

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