Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Learning to be a Man"

On the way to Cub Scouts tonight, I prepped Andrew for his Scouting time. He always has a very difficult time behaving at Cub Scouts because his best friend Josh is there with him. Josh's dad is the Leader of our Den, and I am the assistant. Our sons are the most hyper boys in the bunch, and we are constantly calling our sons out during the Den and Pack meetings. I often wonder how the other boy's parents feel about us as leaders since our boys are the least patient and cannot seem to sit still. You go to Scouts to learn how to be a man I told him! And that is it in a nutshell for me. I never understood the values of Boy Scouts until I became involved with the program, and I seriously doubt that there is any better way to teach a boy to become a wonderful, well rounded man. What other program is structured with such finesse? What if ALL boys learned the values taught within Scouts?
Imagine if all the boys who eventually become men knew the following: How to determine what type of screw to use for a specific project, things to do in case of an emergency, how to plan and cook a healthy meal, feats of skill to keep your body healthy, the ways of respect shown toward different people in our lives, how to survive in the wilderness, what it means to be a good friend, ways to help your family and community, how to respect and preserve our world, and my two: HOW TO SERVE GOD AND OUR COUNTRY! This is what Andrew has learned in Scouts during the past three months - and he is only 8! I am SO proud to be part of this wonderful program, more importantly - for MY SON to be a beneficiary of such a wonderful organization! I know this may seem like an advertisement of Boy Scouts, but it is what is on my mind tonight! I have tried so many other things to help center Andrew's focus in the past, and even though Andrew has a long way to go... I feel confident he is on his way to becoming "BECOMING A GREAT MAN
I Love you, Phillip!


Perry Comer said...

The best way for me to start a day is with this blog.

Scouting is one of the few American bright spots left.

cinpac said...

Congratulations, Andrew. I hope you really enjoy your Scouting adventures. What a great outdoors you have to explore.