Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Airport Fun


Kodiak - Anchorage - Minneapolis - Charlotte - Wingate/Marshville

We had a great time looking at all the neat things in the airport that we had not seen in about a solid year! Our first stop right off the airplane in Anchorage was Chili's Too where Andrew had wonderful Mac and cheese, and I had a Presidente' (and I am not sure what I had to eat). I was so excited to be in an area where there were so many people! My phone picked up a new icon that I had not seen before - the 3G network. I was like, "Wow, what a cool little green light on my cell phone display! And it works faster, too, Andrew!" He was excited to be able to look at all the toy stores in the airport.
When we arrived in Minneapolis, I was very impressed with the beauty of their airport. All the stores were closed because it was so very early in the morning. Andrew wanted his photo taken with Snoopy Dog "because it is Pop's favorite!" as we headed to the Military Lounge.
The Military Lounge is privately funded, and is the nicest I have seen. I think it won an award for the best Military Lounge in the Country; and rightly so. They were so nice to us, and the facilities were incredible. There were four beds for women, 20 for gentleman, and the place was full of comfy chairs, a huge television, and all kinds of treats for our weary bones. It was awesome. (All thanks to Phillip!)

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